This is the second post in my series “What I talk about when I talk about B2B marketing.” This one is focused on the first of the three key takeaways: B2B marketing is complex.

What I talk about when I talk about B2B Marketing
There’s plenty of things to say, but the key themes are: B2B marketing is complex, a team game, and requires patience.

How to convert your website visitors
Converting web traffic from “unknown” to “known” (aka a lead) is as much of an art as it is a science. It all comes down to understanding why a person would be willing to give you their information.

It’s never too late to be kind
I’m taking a human moment from my regular posts on marketing to share something personal.

POV: What health tech marketers should be doing right now
In the time of the world’s largest medical crisis, this is a major opportunity for health tech companies to shine. Businesses that can directly help should be taking the time to make smart moves to grow their reputation. This is my POV on what health tech marketing teams could do to support.

How to evaluate your brand
When you’re evaluating a marketing program, one of the first things you may look at is the brand. But where should you start and what should you do when it comes to evaluating your brand’s effectiveness?

Building a scrappy first growth marketing campaign
Every start-up’s #1 focus is growth – most often first through product, then sales, and finally marketing. If it’s a “first time” experience with marketing, the biggest question is where to start and how to keep momentum.

Be creative about your marketing activations during COVID-19
It’s time to face reality: your business is likely not a priority purchase during COVID-19, so how do you break through to prospects when everyone is feeling a bit anxious and burnt-out?

Invest in your brand
What is a brand? First thoughts often default to a visual identity, but brand goes far beyond that. In a crowded market, the need to strategically invest in branding is becoming more important than ever – how do you stand out?